Moving to Thriday from Xero is simple! You can be up and running with Thriday in a matter of minutes
Log in to your business on Xero. Select your organisation name (top left)
Select Settings, then Users. Select Invite a user 🧐
Enter the first name: Thriday and last name: Accounting
Enter the email:
Go to permissions and select: Business and accounting
Under How much access do they need? select Advisor. Send invite. 📩
Join Thriday for free in under 2 minutes
Book a call with a Thriday tax expert (optional) 🤙
Thriday's AI assistant will pull all your critical data into Thriday so everything is up to date
Start using Thriday and start saving time 🚀
Thriday combines banking, accounting and tax into one platform so you never need to do financial admin again.