Switch to Thriday from Bank SA to get your business firing

Moving to Thriday from Bank SA is simple! You can be up and running with Thriday in a matter of minutes

Supported by some of Australia's most trusted brands

Switching to Thriday from

Bank SA

is simple

Bank SA

Open a $0 monthly bank account* with Thriday in 3 minutes online (all your money in Thriday earns 3.35%p.a^).


Export data for your records


Transfer funds from your Bank SA account to your new Thriday account.


Notify your clients or customers of your account change to avoid payment disruptions.


Contact Bank SA to request account closure

With Thriday:

Add a balance for income and another for expenses


Upload receipts (optional)


Add contacts as you create your invoices


Want support switching? Contact our helpful switching team - Click here to book a call


Find out how much money you could save by switching to Thriday


Switching service coming soon. Please leave details if you're interested

Dedicated expert tax agent to help you transition
Telephone, chat and email support
Up and running in a few days, no further setup needed
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Switch to Thriday before 31 October 2024 and we’ll do your FY24 tax for free1

What's included?
Free switching call to get you set up in Thriday in a matter of minutes
Your FY23/24 Income Tax Return completed and lodged for free1
Full support from our in-house team of registered tax agents
Book a call

Why is Thriday better than

Bank SA


Thriday combines banking, accounting and tax into one platform so you can save time and money on financial admin.

No bank reconciliation
You just need to earn money and spend money and Thriday does your bookkeeping automatically.
No third-party apps
Thriday has everything you need, including an integration into the ATO. Say goodbye to third-party apps.
No bank feeds
Open a Thriday business transaction account and debit card so transactions flow through in real-time.

Thriday takes care of all your banking, accounting and tax in minutes

Open up to 10 business bank accounts* to budget like a pro
Make purchases and pay suppliers with your Visa Debit card*
As you earn income and spend money all your bookkeeping is done
Lodge BAS, tax and generate all your financial reports in minutes
Get access to expert tax agents to review your books online
Get help switching

Join the Aussie community growing their businesses with Thriday

Start saving time today
Eliminate financial admin with Thriday's automated banking, accounting and tax platform.
No credit card required
Need help switching your banking to Thriday? Book a free consultation
Need help switching from Bank SA to Thriday? Book a free consultation