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Lindsay Marshall

Stick Figure Fish Illustration

Lindsay Marshall, founder of Stick Figure Fish Illustration. 🌟

This week, we're shining the spotlight on Lindsay Marshall, founder of Stick Figure Fish Illustration. Based in Peregian Beach, Lindsay is more than a talented artist – she's a world-renowned fisheries biologist whose stunning illustrations blend science and art to deepen our understanding of marine life.

From PhD to paintbrush: Lindsay's journey

Lindsay's business took root in 2004 while she was still a student. Since then, she's completed a PhD in shark morphology, illustrated over 1500 species for the Tree of Life Project, and even had a shark species named after her! Now a full-time freelance artist, she creates identification guides, private commissions, and captivating fine art prints celebrating marine biodiversity.

In Lindsay's words, why she loves what she does

"What truly captivates me in my work is the magical interplay between the rigour of science and the boundless realm of art... It's this ability to bridge worlds – to turn data into drama and facts into fascination – that makes my work profoundly fulfilling."

Superpower & what's next

Lindsay's globally-recognised ability to marry scientific accuracy with beautiful visuals is her superpower. Her next goals include growing her clientele and hosting a gallery exhibition of her originals.

Loving Thriday for streamlining finances

"Separating my business finances from my personal finances...allows me to manage my cash flow...and make informed business decisions...With more time dedicated to my craft, I can continue to explore and document the beauty of marine life."

Get to know Lindsay

Thank you, Lindsay, for being a valued Thriday member and for the incredible work you do!

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