How to become a Plumber

Were you obsessed with the Super Mario Brothers as a child? Does the sound of water get you excited? Then plumbing could be the perfect business for you. If you’re interested in becoming a plumber in Australia, the process can seem complex. To help make the process easier to understand, in this blog we’ve broken it down into some simple steps that will help guide you on your journey to becoming a plumbing extraordinaire.
Step 1: Complete a Certificate III in Plumbing
Many TAFE’s and vocational learning centres provide a course in plumbing known as the Certificate III. You can complete the course as part of completing an apprenticeship. During the course you will pick up the core skills required to become a plumber. Doing a Certificate III is also a good opportunity to network with other students who can become valuable connections later on in your business.
Step 2: Get your apprenticeship game on
The most common way to become a plumber in Australia is to complete an apprenticeship. Apprenticeships take four years to complete and combine on-the-job training with classroom instruction. During an apprenticeship, plumbers learn about safety, plumbing codes, and blueprint reading. They also learn how to install, repair, and maintain plumbing systems. When looking for an apprenticeship make sure you find a business owner that is willing to invest the time in training you properly.
Step 3: Obtain your plumbing licence
Once you have completed your studies, the next step is to obtain a licence from the relevant governing body in your state or territory. Once you get your registration, you can practice plumbing professionally and legally; without it, you would not be able to work as a qualified plumber. Licencing requirements vary depending on where you live, but typically involve submitting proof of training, certifications, and other qualifications as well as successfully completing a practical assessment of your skillset.
Step 4: Register your business
Now that you have the right certifications, experience and licences, you can now start your own plumbing business. To get started you’ll need to think of a business name and register for an ABN. To help you decide whether you should register a sole trader or company structure, take this quick business structure quiz. If you expect to earn more than $75,000, you will also need to register for GST. The next step will include purchasing a work vehicle, equipment and getting those items insured. Trade Risk is a specialist insurance provider for people who work in trades such as plumbing.
Step 5: Continuous learning
It is important for plumbers in Australia to keep up with new technologies and developments in the field by completing continuing education courses on a regular basis. Many trade associations offer continuing education courses for plumbers that can be completed online or in person. These courses help plumbers stay abreast of the latest industry standards and best practices.
Step 6: Lodge your BAS
Thriday, an all-in-one financial management platform, can automatically lodge your BAS directly to the ATO. By registering with Thriday, you get access to a business bank account* and Visa Debit card*. As soon as you earn or spend money on your account, Thriday does your bookkeeping, accounting and tax calculations in real-time. It’s a great way to eliminate time wasted on financial admin, whilst making sure you stay compliant.
Becoming a qualified plumber requires many years of dedication and hard work but it can be incredibly rewarding. Plumbers are well paid, in high demand, and get to control the hours they work. By following these steps above you will be well on your way towards achieving success with your plumbing business.