How to become a Fitness Instructor

Are you passionate about health, conditioning and wellness? Do you want to turn your enthusiasm for staying in shape into a career? If so, becoming a fitness instructor may be the perfect job for you. The process to becoming a certified fitness instructor is not easy and requires commitment. This guide will explain the steps you need to take in order to become a certified fitness instructor in Australia.
Step 1: Get the right fitness certifications
The first step is to make sure you meet all the prerequisites. To become a certified fitness instructor in Australia, you must be at least 18 years old and have obtained an accredited certificate III or IV level qualification in either gym instructing or personal training. The courses typically range from 12 weeks up to two years depending on which option you choose, and they can generally be taken online or at your local TAFE institution.
Step 2: Register with the Fitness Australia (FA)
Once you’ve completed your coursework, it’s time to apply for registration with Fitness Australia. FA provides instructors with professional accreditation that allows them to work as independent contractors or employed professionals across the country. For your application for registration with FA to be approved, however, there are several additional requirements that must be met including proof of liability insurance, a valid CPR certificate and successful completion of the FA foundation knowledge test. Once these requirements are fulfilled, your application will then be reviewed by FA before being accepted or rejected. If accepted, then congratulations! You are officially a qualified fitness instructor in Australia! At this point, it’s time to start looking for clients if you intend on working independently.
Step 3: Start promoting your services to clients
Creating a website and blog, as well as social media profile, are great places to start promoting your services. Focusing on content that shows people how you conduct exercises and what results you can deliver. Client testimonials are a great way to show your skills and build trust in your brand. Video content is easy to create, authentic and is easy to promote online. Some fitness instructors have thousands of followers online, and this makes it easy to win new clients. One other hack that we have seen work is cool branding. Create some merchandise for your brand, wear it when you train, and give some away for free to your clients. It’s basically free advertising!
Step 4: Stay on top of your financial admin
Now that you have clients and money coming in, you’ll need to ensure you stay on top of your financial admin. With Thriday, there is no set up time, you just need to earn and spend money using your Thriday account. Thriday will then automatically take care of your bookkeeping, accounting and tax. You can even lodge your BAS if you are registered for GST or get help from tax experts who can review your books online. To determine if you are financially fit enough to run a business, take this quick financial fitness quiz. Sign up for the free trial now.
Becoming a certified fitness instructor in Australia is worth all the hard work. You’ll be able to work the hours you want, stay fit and achieve financial freedom. Following these steps will help ensure that you meet all the requirements needed for registration with Fitness Australia and get started on your new venture as soon as possible.