How to become an Electrician

Were you struck by thunder as a child? or perhaps you enjoy a bit of AC/DC? If you do, then becoming an electrician could become a great business opportunity for you. As an electrician you’ll be involved in installing wires in new buildings, or maintaining infrastructure in existing offices, it’s all part of the fun. Because you are dealing with electricity and it can be dangerous, there are a few things you need to do before starting in this profession. Whilst it can seem intimidating at first, the rewards are plentiful. Read on to find out what it takes to become an electrician in Australia.
Step 1: Get your Certificate III
The first step towards becoming an electrician is to obtain a Certificate III in Electrotechnology. This is a nationally recognised qualification that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to work as an electrician in Australia. The course usually takes around three years of full-time study and includes both practical training and theoretical learning components. You will need to complete at least one year of pre-apprenticeship training before you can begin your apprenticeship with a licensed contractor or employer. Becoming an electrician is competitive, so getting good marks will mean you can stand out from the crowd when it’s time to get your first job.
Step 2: Complete an apprenticeship
Once you have obtained your Certificate III, you will then need to complete an apprenticeship with a licensed contractor or employer. You will be required to sign up for four years of full-time employment, during which time you will gain hands-on experience working as an electrician alongside experienced professionals. During this time, you will also be required to attend trade school once per week in order to further your learning and development as an electrician. At the end of your apprenticeship, you will be required to sit for the Final Trade Test Examination (FTTE) held by the Department of Training and Employment Standards (DOTES). Upon successful completion of this exam, you will become a certified technician according to Australian law.
Step 3: Join a professional organisation
Electricians in Australia can also choose to join a professional organisation, such as the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA). Membership in a professional body can provide electricians with access to resources, networking opportunities, and continuing education courses. Networking is especially important if you harbour ambitions of running your own business. Your network is likely to generate your first few client leads or even your first few hires. With experience, you may also be able to move into teaching or research positions within the electrical industry through events organised by a professional body.
Step 4: Register your business
Once you have completed your apprenticeship and obtained your license, you can now register a business and begin working for yourself as an electrician. There are many different types of businesses available for electricians, including working in residential, commercial, or industrial settings. Decide on the area you want to focus on, and then register your ABN and business name. If you expect to earn over $75,000 in a financial year, you’ll also need to register for GST. Thriday is a great tool for electricians that don’t have time to waste on financial admin. Once you sign up, you just need to earn money and spend money on your business bank account*, and Thriday will take care of the rest. Take this quick tax quiz, to see how much time you could save by switching to Thriday.
Becoming an electrician in Australia is exciting and rewarding – enough to get the hairs up on the back of your neck to stand up (pardon the pun). With hard work and dedication, you can obtain the qualifications necessary for success within three years. From there, it’s up to you how far you go—you can take additional electrotechnology courses or start up your own business. With so many possibilities available, now is the perfect time to pursue this electric career path.