Small Business Glossary

Weighted Average Cost Of Capital - definition & overview


What is Weighted Average Cost of Capital and why is it important for small businesses?

Weighted Average Cost Of Capital is the average cost of capital for a company calculated by weighting the required return on debt and equity capital based on their proportional share of the capital structure. Used as the discount rate in DCF analyses.

The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a fundamental concept in finance that every small business owner should understand. It represents the average rate of return a company is expected to pay its investors; the weights are the proportion of each financing source in the company's capital structure. In essence, it's the minimum return a company must earn on its existing asset base to satisfy its creditors, owners, and other providers of capital.

Understanding WACC is crucial for making informed decisions about your business's financial health and strategic direction. It can help you determine whether an investment is worthwhile, how to finance it, and how to assess your company's financial performance. This glossary entry will delve into the intricacies of WACC, breaking down its components, calculation, and implications for small businesses.

Understanding the Components of WACC

The WACC formula consists of two main components: the cost of equity and the cost of debt. The cost of equity refers to the return required by equity investors (shareholders) to compensate for the risk they undertake by investing in the business. It's typically higher than the cost of debt, reflecting the higher risk associated with equity investment.

The cost of debt, on the other hand, is the effective rate that a company pays on its current debt. It's generally lower than the cost of equity because debt is less risky from the investor's perspective. Creditors have a higher claim on the company's assets than shareholders, and interest payments on debt are tax-deductible, which further reduces the cost of debt.

Cost of Equity

The cost of equity can be estimated using various models, the most common being the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The CAPM considers the risk-free rate (the return on a risk-free investment, such as a government bond), the equity risk premium (the excess return expected from an equity investment over the risk-free rate), and the company's beta (a measure of its systematic risk relative to the market).

It's important to note that the cost of equity is not directly observable, as equity holders' required return is subjective and can vary among investors. Therefore, estimating the cost of equity involves some degree of uncertainty and requires making assumptions about future market conditions and investor expectations.

Cost of Debt

The cost of debt is easier to calculate than the cost of equity. It's typically based on the yield to maturity (YTM) of the company's existing debt, which reflects the rate at which the company can borrow in the current market. The YTM can be observed directly from the market prices of the company's bonds or loans.

When calculating the cost of debt, it's important to consider the tax shield provided by interest expense. Interest payments on debt are tax-deductible, which reduces the company's taxable income and, consequently, its tax liability. Therefore, the after-tax cost of debt, which is used in the WACC calculation, is lower than the pre-tax cost of debt.

Calculating WACC

Once the cost of equity and cost of debt have been determined, they can be combined to calculate the WACC. The WACC formula is as follows: WACC = (E/V) * Re + (D/V) * Rd * (1 - Tc), where E is the market value of equity, D is the market value of debt, V is the total market value of equity and debt (E + D), Re is the cost of equity, Rd is the cost of debt, and Tc is the corporate tax rate.

The weights (E/V and D/V) represent the proportion of equity and debt in the company's capital structure. They reflect the company's financing mix and can change over time as the company raises more equity or debt. The weights should be based on the market values of equity and debt, not their book values, as the market values better reflect the current cost of capital.

Equity and Debt Weights

The equity weight (E/V) is the proportion of the company's financing that comes from equity. It's calculated by dividing the market value of equity by the total market value of equity and debt. The equity weight reflects the relative importance of equity investors in the company's capital structure and can influence the company's risk profile and cost of capital.

The debt weight (D/V) is the proportion of the company's financing that comes from debt. It's calculated by dividing the market value of debt by the total market value of equity and debt. The debt weight reflects the relative importance of creditors in the company's capital structure and can influence the company's financial risk and cost of capital.

Cost of Equity and Debt in WACC

The cost of equity and debt in the WACC formula represent the required returns for equity investors and creditors, respectively. They are multiplied by their respective weights to reflect their proportionate contribution to the company's cost of capital. The cost of equity is typically higher than the cost of debt, reflecting the higher risk associated with equity investment.

The cost of debt in the WACC formula is adjusted for taxes, as interest payments on debt are tax-deductible. This tax shield reduces the effective cost of debt and, consequently, the company's WACC. However, the benefit of the tax shield should be weighed against the financial risk associated with debt, as excessive debt can increase the company's risk of bankruptcy and financial distress.

Implications of WACC for Small Businesses

Understanding and accurately calculating WACC can have significant implications for small businesses. WACC is a key input in investment appraisal and financial modelling, as it represents the minimum return that a project or investment must generate to increase the company's value. If the expected return on a project is lower than the WACC, the project would decrease the company's value and should not be undertaken.

WACC can also influence a company's capital structure decisions. A company can minimise its WACC by optimising its mix of debt and equity. However, this doesn't mean that the company should always use the cheapest source of capital, as the cost of capital is only one of many factors to consider in capital structure decisions. Other factors, such as financial flexibility, risk tolerance, and market conditions, should also be taken into account.

WACC in Investment Appraisal

WACC is commonly used as the discount rate in Net Present Value (NPV) calculations, which are a key tool in investment appraisal. The NPV of a project is the present value of its future cash flows, discounted at the WACC, minus the initial investment. If the NPV is positive, the project is expected to generate a return higher than the WACC and increase the company's value.

By using the WACC as the discount rate, the NPV calculation takes into account the risk and cost of the company's capital. This ensures that the investment appraisal is consistent with the company's financial objectives and risk profile. However, it's important to note that the WACC should be adjusted if the project's risk is significantly different from the company's average risk.

WACC in Capital Structure Decisions

WACC can also influence a company's capital structure decisions. By minimising its WACC, a company can maximise its value and enhance its financial performance. However, this doesn't mean that the company should always use the cheapest source of capital, as the cost of capital is only one of many factors to consider in capital structure decisions.

Other factors, such as financial flexibility, risk tolerance, and market conditions, should also be taken into account. For example, while debt is generally cheaper than equity, excessive debt can increase the company's financial risk and potentially lead to financial distress or bankruptcy. Therefore, a balance between debt and equity should be maintained to optimise the company's WACC and financial health.

Limitations and Criticisms of WACC

While WACC is a useful tool for investment appraisal and capital structure decisions, it's not without its limitations and criticisms. One of the main criticisms of WACC is that it assumes that the company's capital structure and cost of capital are constant over time. In reality, a company's capital structure can change as it raises more equity or debt, and its cost of capital can fluctuate with market conditions.

Another criticism of WACC is that it assumes that the project's risk is equal to the company's average risk. If the project's risk is significantly different from the company's average risk, the WACC may not be an appropriate discount rate. In such cases, the discount rate should be adjusted to reflect the project's specific risk.

Assumption of Constant Capital Structure

The WACC formula assumes that the company's capital structure, represented by the equity and debt weights, is constant over time. This assumption simplifies the WACC calculation but may not reflect reality. In practice, a company's capital structure can change as it raises more equity or debt, or as the market values of its equity and debt fluctuate.

This assumption can lead to inaccuracies in the WACC calculation and, consequently, in investment appraisal and capital structure decisions. For example, if a company plans to finance a project with a higher proportion of debt than its current capital structure, the WACC calculated based on the current capital structure may underestimate the project's cost of capital.

Assumption of Average Project Risk

The WACC formula also assumes that the project's risk is equal to the company's average risk, represented by the cost of equity and debt. This assumption simplifies the WACC calculation but may not reflect the project's specific risk. If the project's risk is significantly different from the company's average risk, the WACC may not be an appropriate discount rate.

This assumption can lead to inaccuracies in investment appraisal, as it may overestimate or underestimate the project's cost of capital. For example, if a project is riskier than the company's average projects, the WACC may underestimate the project's cost of capital and overestimate its NPV. Therefore, the discount rate should be adjusted to reflect the project's specific risk.


Understanding the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is essential for small business owners. It's a key metric in finance that can influence investment appraisal and capital structure decisions. By accurately calculating and interpreting WACC, you can make informed decisions that enhance your business's financial health and strategic direction.

However, it's important to be aware of the limitations and criticisms of WACC. While it's a useful tool, it's based on assumptions that may not reflect reality. Therefore, it's crucial to use WACC judiciously and consider other factors, such as financial flexibility, risk tolerance, and market conditions, in your financial decisions.

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