Small Business Glossary

Strategic Planning - definition & overview


What is Strategic Planning and why it's important to businesses?

Strategic Planning is the process of defining strategic objectives based on mission and vision, developing tactics to achieve them, and allocating resources accordingly.

Strategic planning is a critical process that provides a roadmap for small businesses to achieve their long-term objectives. It involves setting out a vision for the future, determining the goals and objectives that will help achieve this vision, and outlining the strategies and tactics that will be used to reach these goals. Strategic planning is an ongoing process that requires regular review and adjustment to respond to changing circumstances and opportunities.

For small businesses, strategic planning can be a powerful tool for growth and success. It provides a clear direction for the business, helps to align the efforts of all team members, and enables the business to anticipate and respond effectively to changes in the market or the broader business environment. Despite its importance, strategic planning can often be overlooked or underutilised in small businesses due to a lack of resources or expertise. This glossary article aims to demystify the process of strategic planning and provide practical guidance for small business owners.

Understanding Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a systematic process that involves defining the direction and making decisions on allocating resources to pursue this direction. It's about making conscious choices about where a business should go and how it can get there. For small businesses, strategic planning often involves a careful analysis of the market, competition, and internal capabilities, followed by the development of a strategic plan that outlines the business's vision, mission, objectives, strategies, and tactics.

Strategic planning is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process of continuous learning and adjustment. It involves regularly reviewing and updating the strategic plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective in the face of changing circumstances. This iterative process allows small businesses to stay agile and responsive, and to seize new opportunities as they arise.

The Importance of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is crucial for the success of small businesses. It provides a clear direction for the business, aligns the efforts of all team members towards common goals, and helps the business to make informed decisions about resource allocation. Without a strategic plan, a business may drift aimlessly, miss out on opportunities, or fail to respond effectively to changes in the market or the broader business environment.

Strategic planning also helps small businesses to anticipate and manage risks. By identifying potential threats and developing strategies to mitigate them, businesses can increase their resilience and reduce the impact of unexpected events. Furthermore, strategic planning can help businesses to identify and capitalise on new opportunities, by providing a framework for evaluating and pursuing these opportunities in a strategic manner.

Components of a Strategic Plan

A strategic plan typically includes several key components. The vision statement outlines the future the business aspires to create. The mission statement describes the business's purpose and its unique value proposition. The objectives set out the specific, measurable goals that the business aims to achieve in the medium to long term. The strategies describe the broad approaches the business will use to achieve its objectives. The tactics outline the specific actions the business will take to implement its strategies.

Each of these components plays a critical role in guiding the strategic direction of the business. The vision and mission provide a sense of purpose and direction, the objectives provide a clear focus for efforts and a basis for measuring progress, and the strategies and tactics provide a roadmap for action. Together, these components form a cohesive strategic plan that can guide the business towards its desired future.

Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning process typically involves several key steps. It begins with a situational analysis, which involves assessing the current state of the business and its environment. This includes analysing the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), as well as the broader market trends and competitive landscape. The findings from this analysis provide a solid foundation for the development of the strategic plan.

Following the situational analysis, the business develops its vision and mission statements. These statements provide a clear direction for the business and articulate its unique value proposition. Next, the business sets its strategic objectives. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), and they should align with the business's vision and mission.

Strategy Formulation

Once the objectives have been set, the business formulates its strategies. These strategies describe the broad approaches the business will use to achieve its objectives. They may involve pursuing new market opportunities, developing new products or services, improving operational efficiency, or strengthening customer relationships, among other things. The strategies should be informed by the findings from the situational analysis and should align with the business's vision, mission, and objectives.

The final step in the strategic planning process is the development of tactics. These are the specific actions the business will take to implement its strategies. The tactics should be detailed, actionable, and time-bound, and they should be assigned to specific individuals or teams within the business. Once the strategic plan has been developed, it should be communicated to all team members and regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Strategy Implementation

Strategy implementation is the process of putting the strategic plan into action. This involves executing the tactics outlined in the plan, monitoring progress towards the objectives, and making adjustments as necessary. Strategy implementation can be challenging, as it requires coordination across different parts of the business and may involve significant changes to business processes or organisational structures.

Successful strategy implementation requires strong leadership, clear communication, and a supportive organisational culture. It also requires regular monitoring and review to ensure that the plan is being executed effectively and that the business is making progress towards its objectives. If the business is not making sufficient progress, it may need to revise its strategies or tactics, or address underlying issues that are hindering implementation.

Challenges in Strategic Planning

While strategic planning is crucial for the success of small businesses, it can also be challenging. One common challenge is the lack of resources. Small businesses often have limited time, money, and expertise, which can make it difficult to conduct a thorough situational analysis, develop a comprehensive strategic plan, and implement the plan effectively.

Another challenge is the rapidly changing business environment. Market trends, customer preferences, and competitive dynamics can change quickly, and small businesses must be able to adapt their strategic plans accordingly. This requires a high degree of agility and responsiveness, as well as a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite these challenges, there are strategies that small businesses can use to enhance their strategic planning capabilities. One strategy is to leverage external resources, such as consultants, industry associations, or business networks, to gain access to expertise and insights. Another strategy is to use strategic planning tools and frameworks, such as SWOT analysis or the Balanced Scorecard, to guide the planning process and ensure a comprehensive approach.

Small businesses can also enhance their strategic planning capabilities by fostering a culture of strategic thinking throughout the organisation. This involves encouraging all team members to think strategically, to understand the broader business context, and to contribute to the strategic planning process. By involving all team members in the process, businesses can tap into a wider range of perspectives and ideas, and can increase buy-in and commitment to the strategic plan.


Strategic planning is a critical process that can guide small businesses towards their desired future. It involves setting out a vision for the future, determining the objectives that will help achieve this vision, and outlining the strategies and tactics that will be used to reach these objectives. Despite the challenges, strategic planning can be a powerful tool for growth and success, providing a clear direction for the business, aligning the efforts of all team members, and enabling the business to anticipate and respond effectively to changes in the market or the broader business environment.

By understanding the importance of strategic planning, the components of a strategic plan, the strategic planning process, and the challenges and strategies for overcoming these challenges, small businesses can enhance their strategic planning capabilities and increase their chances of success. Remember, strategic planning is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process of continuous learning and adjustment. So, keep your strategic plan alive, keep it relevant, and keep moving towards your vision.

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