Paying more tax than you should be? We have an Asset & Liability Register for that

From cars to tools to loans and everything in between, your business may be able to claim a lot more depreciation and interest than it already is. The built-in asset and liability register in Thriday automates it for you.

Five stars
4.9 average Google Reviews
Tax calculated
BAS adjusted
Refund received
Cash Flow Updated
Balance Sheet Updated
P&L Updated
Five stars
4.9 average Google Reviews

How Thriday makes asset & liability tracking easy


Enter details of assets your business owns


Enter details of liabilties your business holds


Thriday handles the calculations for you


Keep more of your hard earned money through proper tracking of your assets & liabilities!

Keeping track of assets and liabilities used to be a chore, if you don’t do it it can cost you thousands of $$$ in lost depreciation, meaning more money to the taxman and less in your pocket.

Bad asset & liability tracking can lead to:

An inaccurate financial picture

Without a clear record, you might miss important details about your finances. This can lead to a distorted understanding of your net worth and overall financial health.

Poor business decision making

Decisions like investments, loans, or managing cash flow become trickier when you lack a solid grasp of your assets and liabilities. This can lead to missed opportunities or even financial strain.

Missed tax deductions

You might miss out on claiming depreciation (gradual decrease in value) on assets, which can reduce your tax burden.

Cash flow headaches

Without knowing your exact liabilities, it's difficult to manage your cash flow effectively. This can lead to late payments, strained relationships with suppliers, and potential penalties.

Difficulties securing funding

If you need a loan for growth or other purposes, having a messy financial picture can make it harder to convince lenders of your business's stability.

ATO compliance issues

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) may require you to demonstrate your financial position during audits. Not having proper records can lead to delays, fines, or even penalties.

Not keeping an asset and liability register is like driving blindfolded. You might reach your destination eventually, but the ride will be stressful, full of risks, and potentially lead to accidents (financial mishaps).

The best part? It's all integrated with the rest of your accounting

Manage your finances end-to-end in one place from banking to asset register and everything in between save 6 hours a week on financial admin.

Here’s what our customers have to say

Keith Costelo
Thriday is an amazing app! I have tried several accounting apps and as sole trader and a creative who is not good with numbers, accounting and taxes, Thriday makes it a lot easier and ticks all the boxes including banking. I can also see and experienced that the team really cares about their service, offering, improvements and community no matter how small they are or just starting out. So highly recommended!
Thriday is an amazing app! I have tried several accounting apps and as sole trader and a creative who is not good with numbers, accounting and taxes, Thriday makes it a lot easier and ticks all the boxes including banking. I can also see and experienced that the team really cares about their service, offering, improvements and community no matter how small they are or just starting out. So highly recommended!
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September 4, 2024
Darren Carr
As a new customer to Thriday who is also new to running my own small business I can't recommend them enough. Alice was so patient with answering all my questions and the platform has been super easy to use. I also love that they are always enhancing its capability and use customer feedback to drive improvements. I looked at many many different book keeping options and am so glad I settled on Thriday for
As a new customer to Thriday who is also new to running my own small business I can't recommend them enough. Alice was so patient with answering all my questions and the platform has been super easy to use. I also love that they are always enhancing its capability and use customer feedback to drive improvements. I looked at many many different book keeping options and am so glad I settled on Thriday for
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September 3, 2024
Jennifer Cameron
I've been with Thriday for a few months, and so far I am super impressed (even though I haven't made use of it fully yet!) What I really like about Thriday is that my business account tracks income and expenses and processes my tax for me! I can upload my receipts and reconciling them takes moments. Thriday was recommended to me by my bookkeeper, and as someone who struggles with tax and accounting, I couldn't be happier.
I've been with Thriday for a few months, and so far I am super impressed (even though I haven't made use of it fully yet!) What I really like about Thriday is that my business account tracks income and expenses and processes my tax for me! I can upload my receipts and reconciling them takes moments. Thriday was recommended to me by my bookkeeper, and as someone who struggles with tax and accounting, I couldn't be happier.
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September 2, 2024
I love the simplicity of Thriday. It is a perfect fit for my small business, as it frees up the time to get more orders out the door. Highly recommend Thriday to any Sole Trader/Small Business.
I love the simplicity of Thriday. It is a perfect fit for my small business, as it frees up the time to get more orders out the door. Highly recommend Thriday to any Sole Trader/Small Business.
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September 1, 2024
Carol-Anne Howlett
I currently use Xero and I remember the set-up being very confusing. Now, I'm not great at this kind of thing anyway, however, I not stupid neither, so I eventually work things out (with help). With Thriday, it took me about 10 minutes and I was done. I had set aside an hour!!! The language was just 'normal' Jargon just not needed. I instantly was able to see the dashboard, soooo easy to navigate around. I honestly can't believe it. Why on earth have no other accounting software coped on to this need. Prior to set up, expecting it to be complex, I set up an appointment for someone to 'hold my hand'. I will still attend this appointment as I do want to ensure I don't make a mistake. Upon booking the appointment, I received an almost immediate response confirming the time/day. It was the last sentence that actually made me well-up. It said 'Carol-Anne we've got your back'. Thinking of all the confusion with xero over the years and changing accountants, never knowing for sure that the information is truely correct. I feel I can finally rely not only on the software, I can rely on the support. It's so impressive.
I currently use Xero and I remember the set-up being very confusing. Now, I'm not great at this kind of thing anyway, however, I not stupid neither, so I eventually work things out (with help). With Thriday, it took me about 10 minutes and I was done. I had set aside an hour!!! The language was just 'normal' Jargon just not needed. I instantly was able to see the dashboard, soooo easy to navigate around. I honestly can't believe it. Why on earth have no other accounting software coped on to this need. Prior to set up, expecting it to be complex, I set up an appointment for someone to 'hold my hand'. I will still attend this appointment as I do want to ensure I don't make a mistake. Upon booking the appointment, I received an almost immediate response confirming the time/day. It was the last sentence that actually made me well-up. It said 'Carol-Anne we've got your back'. Thinking of all the confusion with xero over the years and changing accountants, never knowing for sure that the information is truely correct. I feel I can finally rely not only on the software, I can rely on the support. It's so impressive.
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August 29, 2024
Michelle Stewart
Super easy to set up and to understand from the perspective of someone who is new to business establishment.
Super easy to set up and to understand from the perspective of someone who is new to business establishment.
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August 28, 2024
Read all reviews

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Frequently asked questions

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How do I record loan repayments?

To record a loan repayment, you must first create the loan as a liability in Thriday's Asset and Liability register. If the loan repayment was made from a Thriday account, you just need to select the loan from the Chart of Accounts dropdown. If the loan repayment was made from an account outside of Thriday, you can add the repayment as a balance in Manage Balances.

What is an asset?

Assets represent the valuable resources owned by your business. They can be further classified as:

  • Short-term or 'Current' Assets: These assets can be converted into cash within 12 months. Examples include cash in your bank accounts, inventory, and short-term deposits.
  • Long-term or 'Fixed' Assets: These assets have a useful life of more than 12 months and are not typically sold for cash within this period. This includes items like tools, equipment, real estate, land, and vehicles.

Thriday's Asset and Liability Register primarily focuses on tracking your long-term or 'fixed' assets which have been entered into Thriday. Many of these assets depreciate over time and you may be able to claim tax deductions for this depreciation. Thriday's Asset and Liability Register assists in calculating the deductible depreciation for each asset and seamlessly integrates this information into your financial records and tax estimates. Additionally, it can calculate any profits, losses, and capital gains resulting from the sale of assets.

For more information on tax deductions for depreciating assets, see Tax deductions for depreciating assets and capital expenses | Australian Taxation Office (

How can I add depreciation for an asset I've created?

If you've selected 'Yes' for Auto Depreciation, Thriday will automatically calculate and apply depreciation to the relevant assets using the simplified depreciation rules based off the ATO’s guidelines. For assets excluded from the simplified depreciation rules, you can refer to the ATO guidance here: ATO Depreciation Guidelines.

However, if you wish to add depreciation for assets excluded from simplified depreciation or if you prefer not to use simplified depreciation rules in Thriday, you can manage this through the Manage Balances feature.

In Tax, click on Manage Balances. Under the Expense toggle, locate depreciation. Each asset will have its individual depreciation account, which you can select from the drop-down menu to customise your depreciation calculations.

The accuracy of the automatic depreciation calculations, based off the ATO’s guidelines, is dependent on you correctly identifying the type and value of assets being depreciated.

How do I set up auto depreciation for my assets and liabilities?

Thriday automatically applies simplified depreciation rules to your assets and liabilities.

The simplified depreciation rules can only be used by eligible small businesses. For more information on eligibility criteria, see Simpler depreciation for small business | Australian Taxation Office (

If your business is not eligible to use simplified depreciation rules, you will need to amend this in your Tax Profile which you can access from the Tax module in your Thriday account.

Where can I see depreciation of my assets?

When a depreciable asset is created in Thriday, a new account code for the accumulated depreciation of that asset is automatically created. This account code will appear in the Chart of Accounts report.

See all FAQs

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