Prospa is a specialist small business lender. Prospa provides some basic features to be able to manage your loan but does not offer any banking, accounting or tax services. Thriday is a great compliment to having a Prospa loan as it actually allows you to monitor your business finances end-to-end. Thriday acts like a CFO in your pocket, allowing business owners to focus on what matters, their customers and their craft.
Do you love running a business but hate the 'business stuff'? Managing your financial admin can be a real drain on your time and job satisfaction but there is a better way. Thriday is a new solution for a centuries old problem – managing your banking, accounting and tax. Thriday uses artificial intelligence to instantly categorise all your transactions and apply them to a chart of accounts. This means that as you earn or spend money, all your books are processed without lifting a finger. Thriday takes care of everything for you, giving you the peace of mind to focus on what matters.