Thrive rebrands!
We have made the big decision to rebrand from Thrive to Thriday!

Hi all,
I wanted to fill you in on some news.
We have made the big decision to rebrand from Thrive to Thriday.

Why the change in name?
To understand why we have rebranded, I’ll need to take you back to early 2020 just before Covid was about to hit our shores. When we first started the business and thought about names that aligned to our mission; we came up with three original brand name options: Twogether, Thrive, Thriday,
After going back and forward on the three names, we shortlisted it to Thrive and Thriday, and then we ultimately decided to go with Thrive. We felt the term Thrive summed up our mission perfectly, the trademark was available and whilst it was a generic term, no one had ‘ownership’ of it from a brand perspective. We registered the trademark and went off on our merry way.
Earlier this year, we were very surprised to start seeing ads for a business called ‘Thryv’. Upon further investigation, we found out that this Thryv was a large billion-dollar US business listed on the NASDAQ, that had acquired Sensis in a $257 million dollar deal. Yes, the Sensis that used to produce the Yellow Pages in Australia.
We currently have the trademark for Thrive, and the US Thryv has the trademark for their spelling. After fielding a lot of inquiries about whether we were advertising (because of people seeing Thryv ads) we decided that their use of Thryv in above-the-line campaigns has and will continue to create confusion in the market.
Why Thriday? Well... why not Thriday!
Given that we are not live yet and we did not want to have any confusion when we launch, we have decided to rebrand to the unique name of Thriday.
Thriday is a portmanteau of the phrase 'Thrive every day'. Portmanteau is a fancy way of saying a ‘mash up of two words together’. Thriday is also a slang word for doing something on a Thursday and Friday, which is when many business owners typically tackle their finances at the end of a busy week – but most importantly – it represents our reason for being, and that is to literally help businesses Thrive every day!
Using Thriday allows us to retain the meaning behind our original brand name Thrive. It's unique and memorable and we had the foresight to trademark the term and purchase the domains and when we first considering the name.
Our rebrand will have no impact on any contractual arrangements as our corporate entity will still remain as Team Thrive Pty Ltd, however with our rebrand, you may notice that we will reference ourselves as ‘Team Thrive Pty Ltd trading as Thriday’. We will continue to use our distinctive Superhero “T” logo and we will still be the business that makes your business Thrive every day.
We hope you understand our decision.
RIP Thrive! We loved you.
Long live Thriday!
DISCLAIMER: Team Thrive Pty Ltd ABN 15 637 676 496 (Thriday) is an authorised representative (No.1297601) of Regional Australia Bank ABN 21 087 650 360 AFSL 241167 (Regional Australia Bank). Regional Australia Bank is the issuer of the transaction account and debit card available through Thriday. Any information provided by Thriday is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether Thriday is appropriate for you. Team Thrive No 2 Pty Ltd ABN 26 677 263 606 (Thriday Accounting) is a Registered Tax Agent (No.26262416).