The Best Accounting Software for Influencers

August 28, 2024
minutes to read
Ben Winford
Table of Contents

As an influencer, you've built a brand, a following, and a successful business. But as your revenue streams increase, so do the financial tasks you need to manage. Keeping track of your expenses, payments and taxes can be overwhelming. That's why accounting software for influencers can make all the difference. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using accounting software specifically designed for influencers, and review the best options for your business.

Why Influencers Need Accounting Software

When you're an influencer, your income comes from multiple sources: sponsored content, brand deals, ads, affiliate marketing, and product sales. Managing all of these revenue streams can be complicated and time-consuming. Using specialised accounting software allows you to keep track of all your income and expenses in one place, simplify your bookkeeping, and save time during tax season.

Managing Multiple Revenue Streams

Being an influencer is not just about creating content, but also managing a business. With multiple revenue streams, it can be challenging to keep track of everything. However, accounting software can help you consolidate all your income sources and provide an overview of your business's financial health. You can categorise your payments and easily track which revenue streams are the most profitable. This information can help you make informed decisions about which revenue streams to focus on and which ones to let go of.

For example, if you notice that your sponsored content generates more income than your affiliate marketing, you can allocate more time and resources towards creating sponsored content. This can help you maximise your income and grow your business.

Tracking Expenses and Deductions

As an influencer, you have to invest in your business to grow it. This includes expenses such as equipment, software, and marketing. However, tracking your expenses can be just as important as tracking your income. Using specialised accounting software makes it easy to keep track of your expenses and categorise them correctly. This can help you identify tax deductions that you might have missed otherwise.

For instance, if you attend a conference related to your niche, you can categorise the expenses under "marketing" and claim it as a tax deduction. This can help you reduce your tax liability and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Simplifying Tax Filing

As an influencer, managing your taxes can be time-consuming and stressful. However, it's crucial to file your taxes accurately and on time to avoid penalties and legal issues. Accounting software can simplify the process and save you time. You can use it to automatically generate expense reports, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets. These reports can make tax filing less complicated and more accurate.

Moreover, using accounting software can also help you avoid common tax mistakes, such as failing to report all your income or claiming false deductions. This can help you stay compliant with the tax laws and avoid any legal issues.

Accounting software is essential for influencers who want to manage their business effectively and efficiently. It can help you keep track of your income and expenses, identify tax deductions, and simplify tax filing. By using accounting software, you can focus on creating great content and growing your business, knowing that your finances are in order.

Top Accounting Software Options for Influencers

Now that you know the benefits of using accounting software, let's take a look at the top options that are specifically designed for influencers.

1. Thriday (Top Choice)

Thriday provides influencers with the ideal accounting software to streamline their financial management tasks. With Thriday, influencers can efficiently track their expenses, categorise transactions, handle tax and BAS lodgments, manage payments, and monitor cash flow. Here are five key reasons why Thriday is the perfect choice for influencers:

  • Expense Tracking: Influencers often incur various expenses related to their content creation and marketing activities. Thriday simplifies expense tracking by allowing influencers to effortlessly record and categorise their expenses. From production costs to advertising expenses, Thriday provides a user-friendly interface to ensure accurate and efficient expense management.
  • Transaction Categorisation: Categorising transactions is vital for influencers to gain insights into their financial performance. Thriday automates transaction categorisation, reducing the manual effort required. With predefined categories tailored to influencer businesses, influencers can quickly allocate transactions to the appropriate categories, enabling them to analyse their spending patterns and make informed financial decisions.
  • Tax and BAS Lodgments: Tax compliance can be a daunting task for influencers. Thriday alleviates this burden by simplifying the process of tax and BAS lodgments. The software generates comprehensive reports and statements required for tax purposes, ensuring influencers meet their obligations accurately and on time. Thriday also keeps track of important tax deadlines, minimising the risk of missing filing dates.
  • Payment Management: Influencers often receive payments from multiple sources and in various forms, including sponsorships, brand partnerships, and affiliate programs. Thriday streamlines payment management by allowing influencers to centralise their payment records. They can easily track incoming payments, view payment history, and reconcile their accounts, providing a clear overview of their financial inflows.
  • Cash Flow Monitoring: Maintaining a healthy cash flow is crucial for influencers' financial stability. Thriday offers cash flow monitoring tools that enable influencers to stay on top of their income and expenses. Real-time insights into cash flow help influencers make informed decisions about their spending and investment strategies, ensuring they maintain financial sustainability.
Thriday's all-in-one banking, accounting and tax platform

2. Xero

Xero offers a range of features specifically designed for small businesses and freelancers. It has invoicing, payment processing, and expense tracking features, as well as a mobile app that allows you to manage your finances on the go. Xero integrates with popular payment processors like Stripe and PayPal, and can connect to more than 700 other third-party apps.

As an influencer, you're always on the go, attending events and creating content. Xero's mobile app allows you to manage your finances from anywhere, so you can stay on top of your income and expenses no matter where you are. You can easily create and send invoices, track payments, and manage your expenses all from your phone or tablet.


MYOB is a finance software that provides accounting, invoicing, and receipt management tools. Its features include bank account syncing, receipt scanning, and expense tracking. MYOB can be expensive, making it a less attractive option for smaller businesses.

If you're just starting out as an influencer, MYOB can be an option to help you manage your finances without breaking the bank. You can easily create and send professional-looking invoices, track your income and expenses, and even scan receipts to keep track of your expenses.

Features to Look for in Accounting Software for Influencers

When looking for accounting software for your influencer business, there are several features you should consider. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the key features that you should be looking for.

Invoicing and Payment Processing

Another important feature to look for in accounting software for influencers is invoicing and payment processing. As an influencer, you'll likely be working with multiple brands and companies, each with their own payment terms and processes. Your accounting software should make invoicing and payment processing easy and efficient, so you can get paid quickly and stay on top of your cash flow.

Some accounting software solutions offer features like automatic invoicing, which can save you time and hassle. Others may offer integration with payment processing platforms like PayPal or Stripe, which can make it easier for you to receive payments from brands and companies.

Expense Tracking and Categorisation

Your accounting software should allow you to track all your expenses, including business-related purchases. It should also let you categorise your expenses to help you identify potential tax deductions more easily.

For example, if you purchase a new camera for your influencer business, you'll want to make sure that you can categorise that expense as a business expense. This will help you identify it as a potential tax deduction when it comes time to file your taxes.

Reporting and Analytics

Look for software that provides detailed reporting and analytics. This will help you analyse your business's financial health and make informed financial decisions.

For example, if you're trying to decide whether to invest in a new piece of equipment for your influencer business, you can use your accounting software's reporting and analytics features to determine whether you can afford it. You can also use these features to track your income and expenses over time, so you can identify trends and make adjustments to your business strategy as needed.

Mobile App Functionality

If you're always on the go, make sure the software you choose has a mobile app. This will allow you to manage your finances from anywhere, at any time.

For example, if you're traveling to a conference or event, you can use your accounting software's mobile app to track your expenses and income on the go. This can help you stay organised and ensure that you don't miss any important transactions.

Overall, when looking for accounting software for your influencer business, it's important to consider your specific needs and requirements. By choosing the right software, you can stay on top of your finances and make informed financial decisions that will help your business grow and succeed.

Final Thoughts

Using specialised accounting software can help simplify your bookkeeping, track your income and expenses accurately, and save time during tax season. When choosing accounting software for your influencer business, look for features like invoicing and payment processing, expense tracking and categorisation, integration with social media platforms, reporting and analytics, and mobile app functionality. With the right software, you can focus on growing your business and leave the financial management to the experts.

DISCLAIMER: Team Thrive Pty Ltd ABN 15 637 676 496 (Thriday) is an authorised representative (No.1297601) of Regional Australia Bank ABN 21 087 650 360 AFSL 241167 (Regional Australia Bank). Regional Australia Bank is the issuer of the transaction account and debit card available through Thriday. Any information provided by Thriday is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether Thriday is appropriate for you. Team Thrive No 2 Pty Ltd ABN 26 677 263 606 (Thriday Accounting) is a Registered Tax Agent (No.26262416).

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