How to Make Your Small Business Profitable

February 22, 2024
minutes to read
Warren More
Table of Contents

As a business owner in Australia, you understand the importance of profitability in ensuring the sustainability and growth of your venture. Profitability is the lifeblood of any business. It goes beyond making sales or covering expenses; it measures your business's financial health and success. Making a profit means having more revenue than expenses, which provides you with the financial stability to invest in growth opportunities, whether unexpected challenges and secure your business's future. Without profitability, your business will struggle to survive, leading to missed opportunities, limited resources for innovation, and even closure. By focusing on increasing your profitability, you position your small business for long-term success and gain the freedom to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams. 

How to Calculate Small Business Profit Accurately

Calculating your small business profit accurately is essential for gaining insights into your financial performance and making informed decisions. To calculate profit, follow these steps:

  1. Determine your total income: Add all the revenue generated from your products or services, including sales, fees, subscriptions, or any other sources of income specific to your business.
  2. Identify your total expenses: Track and categorise all your business expenses, such as rent, utilities, salaries, marketing costs, and supplies.
  3. Subtract expenses from income: Subtract your total expenses from your total income. The resulting figure is your profit before taxes and other deductions.

The Significance of Tracking Income, Expenses, and Profit

Accurate tracking of income, expenses, and profit is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Financial Awareness: By regularly monitoring your income and expenses, you clearly understand your business's financial health. It helps you identify trends, spot potential issues, and you can implement changes to ensure profitability.
  2. Decision Making: Detailed financial tracking provides the data you need to make informed decisions. Whether it's evaluating the viability of a new project, assessing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, or determining cost-cutting measures, having accurate financial information empowers you to make strategic choices that impact your bottom line positively.
  3. Tax Obligations: Proper income and expense tracking lets you accurately determine your tax liability. It ensures compliance with tax regulations and helps you maximise deductions, ultimately reducing your tax burden and increasing profitability. Tools like Thriday can automatically calculate your tax.
  4. Goal Setting: Tracking your profit over time allows you to set realistic goals and monitor your progress. It provides benchmarks for performance evaluation and motivates you to take the necessary steps to improve profitability.

By diligently tracking your income, expenses, and profit, you gain valuable insights into your business's financial landscape, enabling you to make informed decisions and work towards sustainable profitability.

The Power of Profit First Methodology

The Profit First methodology is a revolutionary financial management approach that prioritises profit from the beginning. Developed by renowned author and entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz, Profit First challenges the traditional formula of "Sales - Expenses = Profit" by flipping it on its head.

In Profit First, the formula becomes "Sales - Profit = Expenses." The methodology emphasises the importance of allocating profit as a predetermined percentage of revenue before considering expenses. By prioritising profit, Profit First ensures that your business consistently generates more money than you spend.

The benefits of adopting Profit First are numerous. It forces you to be intentional about profit, eliminates the stress of chasing profit, and shifts your focus towards sustainable growth. Profit First encourages you to analyse your expenses critically, identify areas of waste or inefficiency, and make strategic decisions to optimise profitability.

To implement Profit First successfully, it's essential to understand the fundamental principles and target allocations involved:

  1. Set Up Multiple Bank Accounts: Profit First recommends setting up multiple bank accounts, each with a specific purpose. These accounts include Profit, Owner's Compensation, Taxes, and Operating Expenses. By segregating funds, you gain clarity on your financial position and ensure that money allocated for specific purposes is not mistakenly used elsewhere. Thriday allows you to set up the Profit First accounts in seconds.
  2. Allocate Percentages to Each Account: Determine the revenue percentage allocated to each account based on your business's unique needs. For example, you should assign a specific rate to profit (e.g., 10%) to ensure consistent profitability. The rest is divided between Owner's Compensation, Taxes, and Operating Expenses.
  3. Regularly Assess and Adjust: As your business grows, periodically review and adjust the allocation percentages to align with your evolving financial goals. Regular assessments help you stay on track, adapt to changing circumstances, and maximise profitability.

By implementing these principles and target allocations, Profit First helps you build a solid financial foundation for your small business, ensuring profitability becomes a core focus.

Leveraging Profit First to Transform Your Business

Now that you understand the core principles of Profit First, you might wonder how you can effectively implement this methodology in your business. This is where Thriday comes in.

Thriday is a powerful tool that makes implementing the Profit First method easy. With Thriday, you can create and manage multiple accounts, track income, expenses, and profit, and generate insightful reports to monitor your financial progress.

Thriday's automated accounting features streamline your financial management processes, eliminating manual tasks and reducing the chances of errors. By centralising your financial data in one place, Thriday provides a comprehensive view of your business's financial health, empowering you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps to improve profitability.

In the next section, we'll delve deeper into how Thriday's partnership with Profit First Australia enhances its capabilities and benefits small businesses like yours.

Thriday: Empowering Profitability through Automated Accounting

Thriday has forged a strategic partnership with Profit First Australia to provide small businesses with a powerful combination of the Profit First methodology and cutting-edge automated accounting. This partnership empowers business owners like you to achieve and sustain profitability quickly and efficiently.

By integrating the principles of Profit First into Thriday's robust platform, small business owners gain access to a comprehensive toolset designed to simplify financial management and maximise profitability. Thriday's collaboration with Profit First Australia ensures that the methodology is tailored to Australian businesses' unique needs and regulations.

Thriday's all-in-one platform

How Thriday Simplifies and Automates Accounting Processes

Thriday's automated accounting features take the complexity out of managing your finances. With intuitive interfaces and streamlined workflows, Thriday eliminates the need for manual data entry and time-consuming reconciliations. Instead, you can focus on growing your business and making informed decisions.

Thriday automatically categorises your income and expenses, providing a clear overview of your financial transactions. This saves you valuable time and minimises errors that can occur with manual bookkeeping. By automating these tasks, Thriday enables you to allocate more time and energy towards strategic initiatives to improve profitability.

Some of the benefits of using Thriday include:

  1. Comprehensive Financial Overview: Thriday consolidates all your financial data into one centralised platform, giving you a holistic view of your business's financial health. From income and expenses to profit and loss statements, Thriday provides the insights to assess your profitability and make data-driven decisions.
  2. Easy Account Management: Thriday's multiple accounts feature aligns perfectly with the Profit First methodology. You can set up and manage separate accounts for profit, owner's compensation, taxes, and operating expenses. This clear separation allows you to track and allocate funds according to your target percentages, ensuring profitability remains a priority.
  3. Real-Time Tracking and Reporting: Thriday lets you monitor your income, expenses, and profit in real-time. With accurate and up-to-date data at your fingertips, you can proactively adjust your financial strategies, identify trends, and optimise your profitability.
  4. Actionable Insights: Thriday's reporting capabilities provide valuable insights into your financial performance. You can generate detailed reports, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These insights help you identify areas for improvement, make informed decisions, and seize growth opportunities.

Strategies to Improve Your Small Business Profit

Now that you have a solid understanding of the Profit First methodology and how Thriday can support your financial management, let's explore some practical strategies you can implement to improve your small business's profitability. By leveraging Thriday's capabilities and adopting these strategies, you'll be well on your way to maximising your bottom line.

1. Analysing and Optimising Your Pricing Structure

One of the most effective ways to improve profitability is by carefully evaluating and optimising your pricing structure. Consider the following approaches:

  • Competitive Analysis: Research your competitors' pricing to ensure your prices are competitive. While undercutting prices may seem tempting, balancing competitive pricing and maintaining healthy profit margins is essential.
  • Value-Based Pricing: Focus on the value you provide to your customers and price your products or services accordingly. Highlight your offerings' unique benefits and outcomes, allowing you to justify higher prices and increase profitability.
  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Encourage customers to upgrade their purchases or add complementary products or services. You can increase the average transaction value by upselling and cross-selling, resulting in higher revenue and improved profitability.

2. Implementing Cost Control Measures

Keeping a close eye on your expenses is vital for maximising profitability. Consider these cost control measures:

  • Regular Expense Review: Periodically review your expenses to identify areas where you can reduce costs without compromising quality. Look for inefficiencies, negotiate better deals with suppliers, and eliminate unnecessary expenses that don't contribute to your core business objectives.
  • Technology Optimisation: Leverage technology to automate tasks and streamline operations. For example, Thriday's automated accounting features can save you time and reduce the need for manual bookkeeping. Explore other software solutions that can help you optimise various aspects of your business, such as project management, customer relationship management, or inventory management.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Analyse your resource allocation, including personnel, equipment, and inventory. Ensure you're utilising resources effectively, avoiding overstaffing or excess inventory that ties up valuable capital. Efficient resource allocation contributes to lower costs and improved profitability.

3. Increasing Sales and Customer Retention

Boosting sales and fostering customer loyalty is essential for driving profitability. Consider these strategies:

  • Targeted Marketing: Focus your marketing efforts on your ideal customer base. Tailor your messaging and promotional activities to attract customers who will likely engage with your offerings and generate higher revenues.
  • Customer Retention Programs: To encourage repeat business, implement customer retention initiatives such as loyalty programs or personalised follow-ups. Acquiring new customers can be more costly than retaining existing ones, making customer retention a valuable strategy for improving profitability.
  • Enhancing Customer Experience: Invest in delivering exceptional customer experiences. Happy and satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers, refer your business to others, and contribute to increased profitability.

4. Maximising Tax Deductions to Optimise Profitability

Take advantage of available tax deductions to minimise your tax burden and optimise profitability:

  • Leverage Accounting Software: Use next-generation accounting software like Thriday that can help identify eligible tax deductions specific to your industry and business structure. The software can ensure compliance with tax regulations while maximising deductions to lower your taxable income.
  • Keep Accurate Records: Thriday's automated accounting features make tracking and categorising expenses easy, simplifying tax preparation. Maintain thorough records of business expenses to support deductions and minimise the risk of audits or penalties.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated with changes in tax laws and regulations. Awareness of new deductions or incentives can maximise potential tax savings and improve profitability.

You can significantly improve your profit by implementing these strategies and leveraging Thriday's capabilities.

Taking Action for Improved Profitability

Now that you understand the Profit First methodology, the benefits of using Thriday for automated accounting and practical strategies to improve your small business profitability, it's time to take action. Follow these steps to start your journey towards increased profitability:

  1. Sign up for Thriday: Visit the Thriday website and join for free. Thriday offers a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with the Profit First methodology, making it the ideal tool for managing small business finances.
  2. Set up Multiple Accounts: Create separate bank accounts* within Thriday for profit, owner's compensation, taxes, and operating expenses. This will enable you to allocate funds according to the Profit First target percentages and ensure profitability remains a priority in your financial management.
  3. Track and Categorise Income and Expenses: Utilise Thriday's automated accounting features to track your income and expenses in real-time. Categorise transactions accurately to gain a clear overview of your financial performance and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Analyse Your Pricing Structure: Conduct a thorough analysis of your pricing structure. Consider factors such as competitive pricing, value-based pricing, and opportunities for upselling and cross-selling. Adjust your prices accordingly to maximise revenue and profitability.
  5. Review and Optimise Expenses: Regularly review your expenses to identify areas where you can reduce costs without sacrificing quality. Look for inefficiencies, negotiate better deals with suppliers, and eliminate unnecessary expenses that do not contribute to your core business objectives.
  6. Focus on Sales and Customer Retention: Implement targeted marketing strategies to attract your ideal customers. Invest in customer retention programs and prioritise delivering exceptional customer experiences. Increasing sales and fostering customer loyalty are key drivers of profitability.
  7. Maximise Tax Deductions: Keep accurate records of your business expenses using Thriday's automated accounting features to simplify tax preparation and minimise your tax burden.
  8. Monitor and Adjust: Monitor your financial performance using Thriday's reporting capabilities. Assess your progress, make data-driven decisions, and adjust your strategies as needed to improve profitability over time.

By following these steps and leveraging the power of Thriday and the Profit First methodology, you'll be well on your way to transforming your small business into a profitable venture.

Key Takeaways

Profitability is not just about generating more revenue; it's about prioritising profit from the start and making intentional financial decisions. What makes Profit First so powerful is that it flips the traditional formula on its head, ensuring that profit is allocated first, setting the stage for long-term success.

Thriday's partnership with Profit First Australia further enhances its capabilities, providing tailored support for Australian businesses. Thriday gives you a centralised platform to manage your finances, track income and expenses, and generate insightful reports. The automated accounting features save you time and reduce the chances of errors, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Implementing the strategies in this guide will enable you to improve your pricing structure, control costs, increase sales, and optimise tax deductions. By taking action and monitoring your financial performance regularly, you can make informed decisions, adjust your strategies, and continuously improve your small business's profitability.

Remember that profitability is a journey requiring commitment and ongoing effort. Stay proactive, adapt to changing circumstances, and leverage available tools and resources. Thriday and the Profit First methodology provide a solid financial success foundation.

So, why wait? Take the first step towards unlocking profitability for your small business by signing up for Thriday today. Empower yourself with the tools and knowledge to prioritise profit and drive your business towards long-term success.

DISCLAIMER: Team Thrive Pty Ltd ABN 15 637 676 496 (Thriday) is an authorised representative (No.1297601) of Regional Australia Bank ABN 21 087 650 360 AFSL 241167 (Regional Australia Bank). Regional Australia Bank is the issuer of the transaction account and debit card available through Thriday. Any information provided by Thriday is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether Thriday is appropriate for you. Team Thrive No 2 Pty Ltd ABN 26 677 263 606 (Thriday Accounting) is a Registered Tax Agent (No.26262416).

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