Tailoring Profit First Percentages to Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

August 28, 2024
minutes to read
Jaala Alex
Table of Contents

Welcome to Thriday's blog, where we delve into the world of financial management and help businesses achieve greater profitability and success. In today's post, we're going to explore a crucial aspect of financial management: Profit First percentages. If you're a business owner looking to take control of your finances and maximize your profits, understanding and implementing the right target allocation percentages is essential.

As an entrepreneur myself, I've experienced the challenges of managing cash flow and ensuring sustainable growth. That's why I'm excited to share my knowledge and insights on why Profit First percentages matter and how they can make a significant difference to your business's financial health.

Before diving in, let's clarify what Profit First is all about. Developed by renowned author and entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz, Profit First is a revolutionary cash management system designed to prioritise profit and guide businesses towards financial success. Rather than the traditional approach of focusing on revenue and profit as an afterthought, Profit First flips the script by putting profit first from the very beginning.

Now, why do these percentages matter? Why can't we focus on increasing revenue and hope for the best? Well, the answer lies in the power of intentional and strategic allocation of your resources. By setting and adhering to the right Profit First percentages, you'll gain better control over your finances, optimise your cash flow, and ensure your business consistently generates healthy profits.

In this blog, we'll delve deeper into the significance of Profit First percentages and how they can transform your business's financial landscape. We'll explore how to determine the right percentages for your specific business type, as well as provide practical guidance on monitoring and adjusting them over time. We'll also address the potential consequences of incorrect percentages and answer some frequently asked questions to clarify any lingering doubts.

Throughout this post, I'll draw upon my expertise as a business owner and guide you towards implementing the right Profit First percentages for your business. Remember, financial health is not a luxury but a necessity for long-term success. So, let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of your business's profitability.

Why Profit First Percentages Matter?

When it comes to financial management, profit allocation percentages play a critical role in ensuring your business's long-term success and sustainability. Setting specific targets for allocating your revenue to various accounts creates a disciplined framework that guides your financial decision-making. Profit First percentages provide a clear roadmap for managing your cash flow effectively, and ensuring profitability remains a priority.

Implementing Profit First percentages offers a range of benefits for your business. Firstly, it allows you to prioritise profit by setting aside a predetermined percentage of your revenue for profit allocation. This ensures that you consistently generate profit, regardless of fluctuations in expenses or unforeseen circumstances.

Secondly, Profit First percentages encourage financial discipline and responsible spending. By allocating funds to different accounts, such as operating expenses, taxes, owner's compensation, and profit, you create a system that prevents overspending and forces you to make well-informed financial decisions.

Profit First percentages pave the way for financial stability and growth. By separating your revenue into different accounts, you better understand your business's financial health. You can track and monitor the growth of each account and make adjustments accordingly. This approach allows you to identify and address potential financial bottlenecks before they become significant.

Additionally, you're building a financial cushion for your business by consistently allocating a portion of your revenue to profit. This profit reserve can be reinvested to fuel growth, expand operations, or reward yourself as the business owner.

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is managing cash flow. Profit First percentages act as a powerful tool in overcoming this challenge. By assigning specific percentages to different accounts, you establish a disciplined system that ensures your business always has enough funds for essential expenses, tax obligations, and profit.

By having separate accounts for each category, you gain better visibility into your cash flow and can make informed decisions about spending and saving. This proactive approach helps you avoid cash flow crunches and navigate uncertain times confidently.

In the next section, we'll explore how to set the right Profit First percentages for your business, allowing you to tailor the allocation percentages to your unique circumstances and goals. Remember, implementing Profit First percentages is a game-changer for your financial health, and with Thriday as your partner, you'll have the necessary tools to make this process seamless and effective. So, let's move forward and discover the steps to set your Profit First percentages for optimal financial success.

How to Set the Right Profit First Percentages 

Setting the correct Profit First percentages is crucial for the success of your financial management strategy. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you determine the ideal allocation percentages for your business:

  1. Assess your historical financial data: Begin by reviewing your past financial records to gain insights into your revenue and expense patterns. Analyse your profit margins, operating expenses, and any seasonal variations impacting your cash flow.
  2. Determine your target profit percentage: Profit should be the ultimate priority in your financial strategy. Consider your business goals, industry standards, and the level of risk associated with your business type. Aim for a realistic yet ambitious profit percentage that aligns with your aspirations.
  3. Evaluate your operating expenses: Identify your fixed and variable expenses and calculate the percentage of revenue required to cover these costs. Be diligent in separating essential expenses from discretionary spending. Remember, the goal is to keep operating expenses in check while ensuring you have enough funds to run your business smoothly.
  4. Allocate for owner's compensation: As a business owner, it's crucial to determine a reasonable compensation for yourself. Set a percentage of revenue that adequately compensates you for your time, effort, and expertise. This ensures you receive fair compensation while still leaving room for profitability.
  5. Account for taxes: Taxes are an unavoidable part of running a business. Determine the percentage of revenue allocated towards tax obligations based on your tax rate and anticipated earnings. Consult with a tax professional to ensure accurate tax planning and compliance.
  6. Adjust and fine-tune the percentages: Setting Profit First percentages is not a one-time task. Regularly review and adjust the percentages as your business evolves and grows. Be open to making necessary changes to optimise your financial management strategy.

Analysing historical financial data provides valuable insights into your business's economic performance. It helps you understand revenue trends, expense patterns, and areas where you need improvement. By examining past data, you can make informed decisions when setting your Profit First percentages.

Additionally, historical data allows you to identify recurring expenses or inefficiencies that may impact your profitability. You can optimise your financial health and drive growth by addressing these issues and allocating resources accordingly.

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Aligning Percentages with Business Goals

To align your Profit First percentages with your business goals and expenses, consider the following practical tips:

  • Be realistic yet ambitious: Set profit percentages that challenge you to strive for growth while remaining attainable based on your business's current performance. Strike a balance between pushing boundaries and maintaining financial stability.
  • Regularly review and adjust: Your business is dynamic, and your financial strategy should be too. Periodically check your Profit First percentages to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with your goals. Adjust as necessary to reflect changes in your business's needs and circumstances.
  • Seek professional advice: Consult with financial experts or accountants specialising in Profit First implementation. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific business type and help you fine-tune your allocation percentages.
  • Monitor industry benchmarks: Research industry benchmarks for profit margins and expense ratios within your sector. While every business is unique, understanding industry standards can be a benchmark for setting realistic targets and making informed decisions.

Implementing these tips and fine-tuning your Profit First percentages will create a solid foundation for financial success. Remember, the ultimate goal is prioritising profit while ensuring you have sufficient resources to cover essential expenses and support growth.

Profit First Percentages by Business Type

When implementing Profit First percentages, it's essential to consider the nuances and specific considerations that vary across different business types. Let's explore how Profit First percentages can be applied to various business structures:


Tradies such as carpenters, plumbers and bricklayers often have a range of expenses and may require a higher allocation for operating expenses. Analyse your historical financial data to determine the average percentage of revenue needed to cover these expenses.

Since tradies are typically subject to personal income tax rather than company tax, ensure you allocate an appropriate tax percentage based on your tax bracket and projected income.


As a consultant, you are often your business's sole owner and operator. Consider a higher owner's compensation percentage to reflect your role and contributions adequately.

Remember that consultants are personally liable for business obligations, so it's crucial to allocate a portion of revenue for income tax and a profit reserve to safeguard your personal finances.


Creatives encompass a wide range of different areas – everything from photographers to makeup artists. The allocation percentages for small businesses may vary depending on revenue size, industry standards, and growth stage.

Consider your business's unique expenses and growth opportunities when determining your operating expenses and profit allocation percentages.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and adapting the percentages to your specific circumstances is essential. The key is to analyse your historical financial data, evaluate your business goals and expenses, and adjust the percentages accordingly.

Furthermore, regardless of business type, regularly review and assess your Profit First percentages to ensure they align with your evolving business needs. As your business grows, you may need to adjust to optimise your financial management strategy and maintain profitability.

What Happens if Your Profit First Percentages Are Wrong?

Setting the wrong Profit First percentages can have significant consequences for your business. It's crucial to understand the potential impacts and take corrective measures promptly. Here are some possible outcomes if your Profit First percentages are incorrect:

Insufficient Profit Allocation:

If your profit allocation percentage is too low, you may struggle to generate sustainable profits. This can hinder your business's growth, limit your ability to reinvest in the company and impede long-term financial stability.

Excessive Operating Expenses:

Setting high percentages for operating expenses can lead to overspending and inefficiencies. It may result in reduced profitability and cash flow challenges and hinder your ability to allocate funds to essential areas such as taxes and owner's compensation.

Inadequate Owner's Compensation:

Allocating too little for owner's compensation can impact your personal financial well-being and motivation as a business owner. Ensuring that you are adequately compensated for your time, expertise, and dedication to the business is vital.

Taxation Issues:

Incorrect percentages for tax allocation can lead to tax payment challenges. Insufficient allocation may result in tax liabilities that are difficult to fulfil, leading to penalties and potential legal issues. Conversely, over-allocating for taxes can tie up unnecessary funds and hinder cash flow.

Cash Flow Imbalances:

You may encounter cash flow imbalances if your Profit First percentages are not correctly balanced. This can lead to periods of cash shortages, hindering your ability to cover essential expenses and impacting your overall financial stability.

Inaccurate Financial Insights:

Incorrect percentages can distort your financial insights and misrepresent the true health of your business. This can make it challenging to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement, and set realistic financial goals.

If you discover that your Profit First percentages are wrong, you must take immediate action to correct them.

Thriday makes it easy to implement Profit First

Profit First Percentages FAQs

What if my business is not currently profitable?

Profit First is designed to help businesses become profitable. Even if your business is not currently profitable, implementing Profit First can provide a framework for profitability. Start by setting a realistic profit percentage and gradually work towards increasing it as your business grows.

How often should I review and adjust my Profit First percentages?

It's recommended to review your Profit First percentages at least quarterly or whenever significant changes occur in your business. This ensures that your percentages align with your financial goals, revenue patterns, and business needs. Regular monitoring allows you to make timely adjustments and maintain financial stability.

Can I allocate more to operating expenses to invest in business growth?

While allocating sufficient funds for operating expenses is important, it's crucial to strike a balance between growth investment and profitability. Giving too high a percentage to operating expenses may compromise profitability. Consider allocating a portion of your profit towards growth initiatives or seek professional advice to optimise your allocation strategy.

How do I determine the right owner's compensation percentage?

The owner's compensation should reflect the value you bring to the business. Consider your role, expertise, time commitment, and industry standards when setting the owner's compensation percentage. It's essential to strike a balance between fair compensation and maintaining profitability.

What if my business experiences fluctuations in revenue?

Revenue fluctuations are common in many businesses. When setting your Profit First percentages, consider an average revenue figure over a period of time to account for these fluctuations. Regularly monitor your revenue and adjust your allocations as needed to ensure your financial strategy remains effective.

Can I use Profit First percentages for personal finances?

Profit First percentages are primarily designed for business finances. However, the principles of profit allocation and expense management can also be applied to personal finances. Consider adapting the concept to your financial goals, ensuring you prioritise savings, debt reduction, and personal profit.

Remember, implementing Profit First percentages is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Adapt the ratios to suit your business's unique needs and goals. Seek professional advice and regularly review and adjust your allocations to optimise your financial management strategy.

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Key Takeaways

Implementing Profit First percentages can be a transformative step towards financial success for your business. Let's recap the key takeaways from this blog post to help you implement Profit First percentages effectively:

  • Profit First percentages ensure that you prioritise profit and allocate funds for other essential business areas.
  • You can achieve financial stability, growth, and long-term profitability by implementing the correct percentages.
  • Analyse your historical financial data to determine appropriate allocation percentages for profit, owner's compensation, taxes, and operating expenses.
  • Consider your business type, industry standards, and growth stage when determining the percentages.
  • Tailor your percentages to align with your business type's unique needs and characteristics.
  • Use accounting software or tools like Thriday to track your revenue, expenses, and allocation percentages.
  • Regularly review financial statements, conduct variance analysis, and seek professional guidance to stay on track.

Understanding and implementing the right Profit First percentages can significantly impact the financial success of your business. You can achieve stability, growth, and long-term profitability by prioritising profit and allocating funds to essential areas such as owner's compensation, taxes, and operating expenses.

Setting the right Profit First percentages requires careful analysis of your financial data, considering your business type, industry standards, and growth stage. It's crucial to regularly monitor and review your percentages using accounting software or tools like Thriday, ensuring that you stay on track towards your financial goals.

However, setting incorrect Profit First percentages can adversely affect your business, such as insufficient profit allocation, excessive expenses, cash flow imbalances, and inaccurate financial insights. If you discover that your percentages are wrong, take immediate action to adjust them and seek professional guidance when needed.

As you embark on your Profit First journey, remember that Thriday is a valuable tool for implementing Profit First, streamlining allocations, and gaining insights into your financial performance. Join Thriday for free today to simplify your Profit First implementation and take control of your business's financial future.

Take the first step towards financial success with Profit First percentages and witness the positive impact on your business's bottom line. Embrace the Profit First methodology, allocate your funds strategically, and watch your business thrive financially.

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